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Join me in my journey with poetry...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Poetry and Poems to Me

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For me, poetry is an open canvas. Just like how canvases are are woven tightly together, poetry is all connected. Many people from many parts of the world, write poetry every single day. Yet, has anybody noticed that no matter where the person is coming from, who they are, what their age is, poetry can take the same shape and size? By that, I mean the gist. Poetry from completely different people all around the world can have different content, methods, and techniques of how to write the poem (as well as the language), but they will mostly have the same perspective and aspect of the subject. For example, one who may be writing a poem about love in one continent may have the same concepts and ideas as another person who is also writing about love in another continent, whether or not they both like the concept of love, or if they are nauseated by the thought of it. Poetry is truly universal as some famous poets have said. It does not matter who you are, what you do or a living, and even if you don't like poems or not; once you right a poem, someone else out there in the world maybe writing a poem, or has already written a poem with the same concept as yours.

Poetry is a blank page. It is an empty blank sheet of paper that has unlimited emptiness. Poetry can be started, continued, or written on top of. Poetry is a form of art and literature. Because of poetry, lots of people have survived life. This is because through poetry, people have found a better way to vent, express their anger, and handle their depression. Poetry is a song. It sings to your hearts in melodies, beats, and rhythms that harmonize with your soul. Poetry is a great gift that people take for granted, or mistake for stress if it's given as homework, but I am here to show you the side of it you have yet to love.


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