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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I Love You My Love by Crystal Beltz

I Love You My Love

I love you my love
For what you have done for me
I love you my love
For what you have shown me

I love you my love
Because you are my treat
I love you my love
You treat me so sweet

I love you my love
Because of your positively
I love you my love
For all your sensitivity

I love you my love
Because your love will never die
love you my love
Your my angel that will fly

I love you my love
Because you are my one and only love!

Crystal Beltz

This poem by Crystal Beltz, talks about love. As noticed in the structure, there are 18 lines. The first four stanzas are composed on an "A,B,A,B" structure, while the last two lines contain a "C,C" structure. This means that in the first four stanzas, the first line matches rhyming words with the third line, and the second line matches the rhyming with the fourth line. And lastly, the last two lines rhyme with one another as well. Each stanza is composed as four lines as you can very well see in this poem. This poet, Crystal Beltz, chose to have a rhyming pattern dealing with the last word of the line with the other last word of every other line. and in the end with the last two lines.

This poem sets a positive mood for the reader. If you notice the first and third lines of every stanza are the words "I love you my love" which corresponds to the title that the author has given the poem. This suggests a great importance in that phrase that the poet is trying to convey. By repeating those words, or that phrase, over and over again, Crystal Beltz creates a certain stone throughout her structure. By repeating those words over and over again, we are forced to somewhat "read between the lines". When I say that, I literally mean it. By reading in between the lines of "I love you my love", we highlight mostly everything that is not that phrase. This is because as we read the poem we realize, and our brains respond to it in such a way that we know that that phrase repeating over and over again is an essential point of importance in the poem, but we also start looking for something else that brings our focus in between those phrases. We start to focus on the reasons why "I love you my love". We look for answers on why that specific line is so significant, and it can clearly be seen and presented within the second and fourth lines of each stanza, which briefly describes why "my love"
is loved.

This poem was found here: 

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