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Join me in my journey with poetry...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Poetic Structure

Hello there,
This post will discuss how the structure of poetry affects how the words of the poem are arranged, and how the type and form of poetry influences the poet's work. There are many types and ways to write poems. Types of poems can vary according to the choice of the poet and according to how they want the structure of their poem to be.  The differences between these types of poems can depend on the number of verses, the number of syllables in a line, and the rhythmic and rhyming patterns within the poem. Each poem contains many elements, techniques, methods, and patterns in the way of writing.

Above is a video presenting 10 Poetic Devices. In the video, teachers educate the viewers about 10 different types of poetic devices and structures used in writing. The video explains the unique and individual structures and characteristics of the different types of poetic structures. The teachers in the video concisely explain and give examples of using alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition, rhyme as well as free verse, rhythm, simile, metaphor, metonymy, personification, and imagery. Towards the end of the video they also briefly show ways in which these poetic devices can be used together to be creative. Please watch the video to learn more about the poetic devices in a fun and exciting way! Also, seen below are lists of different types of poetry which you can freely explore and learn about by either clicking on the links I have provided for you, or by clicking on the actually words themselves.

The video above as well as some of the information can be found on this link: CLICK ME!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Expressions of Poetry

Forms used in Poetry

Alliteration Anapaest Literary Term Antithesis
Apostrophe Literary Term Archetype Literary Term Assonance Literary Term
Caesura Literary Term Consonance Connotation Literary Term
Denotation Literary Term Elision Literary Term Envoy Literary Term
Epithet Literary Term Euphony Euphemism
Falling Meter Feminine Rhyme Figure of speech
Foot Literary Term Heptameter Heroic couplet
Hexameter Literary Term Hyperbole Iamb Literary Term
Iambic pentameter Litotes Literary Term Metaphor
Meter Literary Term Meiosis Literary Term Metonymy
Onomatopoeia Paradox Literary Term Pentameter
Persona Literary Term Quatrain Rhythm
Rising Meter Literary Term Scansion Literary Term Simile
Spondee Literary Term Stanza Syntax Literary Term
Tetrameter Trochee Literary Term Trope Literary Term

All of this was found HERE

Types of Poetry

Different Types of Poetry

ABC poem Alexandrine Poetry Type Allegory
Analogy Poetry Type Ballad Poems Ballade Poetry Types
Blank Verse Burlesque Types Cacophony
Canzone Poetry Type Carpe diem Cinquain Poetry Type
Classicism Types Conceit Poetry Type Couplet Poetry Type
Dactyl Poetry Type Doggerel Elegy
Enjambment Epic Poems Epigram
Epitaph Epithalamium Form Free Verse
Haiku Poetry Type Idyll Poetry Types Imagery Poems
Irony Lay Poetry Types Limericks
Lyric Poetry Name Poem Narrative Poetry
Odes Pastoral Poetry Type Quatrain Poetry Type
Refrain Poetry Type Rhymes Romanticism Type
Senryu Poetry Type Rhyme Royal Type Sonnets
Tanka Terza rima Verse
Prose and Prose Poetry

All of this was found HERE